Jr. LOVES being the one in our house that fits this dress. I love that anyone in this house fits this dress, it makes my life easier. I took the dress to school this morning and put it on Cinderella to trim it up but I had to get a picture of it full length first! It has the new top layer of sparkly tulle on it and I painted the embroidery and started with the gems last night after the picture was taken.Hopefully the next time it appears on here it will be done!

So does this mean JR gets to be Cinderella's stand in or stunt double? Love that sparkly tulle! Tried to click on it to no avail, its my aging eyesight, ya know!?!
Wowza! So sparkly - any girl would love to where that.
Jr makes a great Cinderella! I want one! It's so cute.
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