Monday, April 7, 2008

Sleeping Beauty - with some Zing!

Here is the latest Sleeping Beauty.
She asked for a panel in the front and the sleeves to match.
Apparently it makes it more Disneyland. Who am I to argue it turned out fantastic!
My next project is Cinderella using the same fabric as said panel and sleeves just in blue. I think it will be fun.

In other happy news I could breathe for most of today and my headache was actually manageable. Pollen counts are still in the astronomical range but at least I'm coping better!


Heidi said...

I love the added fabric and I'm glad you are feeling better. We are so excited to see you in a few weeks!!

Karen Valinda said...

It does look awesome... as I studied it I realized that I like the fabric visible at the top of the sleeve... took a while to figure out just what was different!

And since I LOVE blue, I look forward to seeing the new Cinderella ;-}

We are very glad you can breathe better, had to sew and not have your oxygen line get in the way!

Karen Valinda said...

that would be ..."hard to sew..."