I just finished Sarah's cross stitch so I thought I'd put up the picture as a teaser for Hil.

I've made each of my nieces and nephews a birth sampler so they all have something from me. My family isn't very close. I have several aunts and uncles (there are 11) but I probably couldn't pick half of them out of a line up. I'd have a good guess because of family resemblance but that's all I'd have to go on. That is another thing I like about ElCid's family - they insist on getting everybody together at least once a year. My kids will know their extended family on that side. My girls have just come to realize there aren't 3 Moga's in my family. Moga, Moga with the yellow hair (Beki) and mean Moga, Nan. Thanksgiving was a big help. They've also started to piece together that my parents were married, that is going to be an interesting conversation when it happens. Okay now it's MY bedtime I just had to finish Sarah's thing.
Valinda's aunts and uncles... first of all, her maternal grandmother was an only (adopted) child and her maternal grandfather had 6 sisters, so all uncles on this side are by marriage. Her paternal grandfather had 4 sisters and 2 brothers, she has not seen the sisters since she was 6 and has Never met the brothers; her paternal grandmother had 3 brothers, two of which died before Valinda's birth. So when you get down to her parent's siblings - the real aunts and uncles - the pickings get slimmer.
She has never met her father's older half sister (neither have I) his two younger brothers just aren't into the 'uncle' thing and his younger sister, who might be a real 'aunt' lives in England. She did have a real aunt,divorced now from her older uncle, but distance got in the way over the years.
My brothers are good uncles when they are out visiting (Tony) or while they lived in the same city and/or are visiting(Troy) and Bonnie is a sweet aunt, she and Tony just live across the continent surrounded by her extended family... Katy was a good auntie when we lived in the same city, Valinda's 3rd birthday party and MANY adventures were courtesy of Aunt Katy, LeAnna is a sweetie but never really into the conventional 'auntie' mode... she was only 16 when Valinda was born and is always there for my kids but has children 15 and 6 so is still chasing after them, working full time and being a single parent. Ed and Melissa are a wash, Valinda was 16 1/2 months old when Ed was born, naturally his wife is also younger than V.
It is sad because I was always surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins but people moved too far away to maintain the ties, sad but true. And those of us who tried met with beneign indifference...
sorry Ddonn xoxoxox
The sampler is BEAUTIFUL! At least they will know they have an Auntie!
i love that name sarah jane...hmmm
i love that name sarah jane...hmmm
I LOVE IT! Can't wait to put it up in her room. She'll definitely know her Auntie V.
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