Remember this?

And this?

Well here it is again!!

The little girl who really wears it is taller than Jr. so the top doesn't squnch on her. She is going to get professional pictures of it taken and once she does I'll be sure to put a copy on here.
One down 799 to go...
JR looks SO sweet. Do you get to keep it? She would grow into it someday, ya know?!
Everyone I have asked here about un-needed formals has been of a frugal mind set and either passes them on, re-makes or trades with friends...kinda like you and aunt Zanne.
And the "thrift" stores price 'em like gold!
wv:ununred, would that be bright scarlet?
Your school is spoiled. Most people just have to let all the individuals moms come up with costumes or go with whatever random junk the poor teacher who got sucked into directing it can find.... Nothing as nice or fancy as this!
Beautiful girl! So lovely.
The dress is all right, too.
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