Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fred the Fantastic is 10!!!

10 years ago I was in labor. I had been in labor for 24 hours and I would STILL be in labor for another 3 hours and 22 minutes. Then something amazing and scary and horrible and fabulous and a million other things happened. I had a baby! I was a Mom! And holy smokes did she have a lot of hair! Thanks ElCid for giving her hair :) I was very tired it had been a very long 27 hours.

The last 10 years have been fun and crazy and maddening and I wouldn't give them up, or repeat them for anything. :)

Today was one of those crazy days, there was McDonald*s for breakfast, I took her Raising C@ne's for lunch, then after school rehearsal, which went straight into Activity Girl's Day Camp (they fed her dinner which is why I took her Cane's for lunch) where everyone sang her Happy Birthday, which ended up at home with a microwaved apple cobbler thing with ice cream and candles on top.

Fred is sweet and funny and loves to be in charge and at the front of all the fun. She continues to do well in everything she tries her hand at and is very excited for Beauty and the Beast. (May 19th & 20th at her school if you want to come) She loves to read, draw and write stories. She can't decide between being an artist or a fashion designer when she grows up. It's very scary for me that next year will be her last in elementary school and then she will be in school with kids who are really big and I won't be there constantly if she needs me, which she won't cause this is Fred and while she loves to have me hanging around making bulletin boards and all kinds of other things she'll be fine off on her own running her own show. Happy Birthday Fabulous Fred we love you!!!!


Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Fred!!! We love you so much and are so glad you are part of our family!!!!!

Kathy said...

Wow, so grown-up! Happy Birthday

Safire said...

Juice says that she's gotten a lot bigger since she used to sleep on his chest. :) Happy Birthday Fred!