Here are the cupcakes that I went to St.George to make for the open house there. We ended up with 334 and lots extra! The girls loved playing with Grandma, Grandpa and their cousins while I worked. ElCid's sister Toadwat was my Sous Chef, and it was actually fun! She assured me that after this experience she would not be choosing them for her wedding reception at some future date. I think that even with all the volume it wasn't as bad as Beki's wedding cakes. We just made tons of everything not 11 sets of everything like Beki's cakes.
All the drop flowers staying safe in the cupboard

All the monograms not so safe on the counter, I made twice as many as I needed and only ended up with 10 "extra" they were so FRAGILE!!

The mound of cupcake boxes each box held 15

The work space, note the Diet Coke that kept me happy and other people alive

Dark chocolate cake with a truffle center and butter cream icing

Fresh Strawberry cake with Cream cheese icing (it had sparkles)
French vanilla cake with French Silk (chocolate) icing (more sparkles)
to make the frosting blue I had to lighten the frosting with white coloring then add in an entire "large" canister of Royal Blue gel coloring

French vanilla cake with French Silk (chocolate) icing (more sparkles)
to make the frosting blue I had to lighten the frosting with white coloring then add in an entire "large" canister of Royal Blue gel coloring

Awww how pretty!

This is what it does to your poo.

Heimer and Cindy loved the cupcakes and so did all the people at the party! I have now repaid my debt to society for getting married and having an open house by Christmas 9 years ago.
Happy New Year and Best wishes for 2008!
Love the poop shot. The cupcakes look soooo good. I wish I could have been there to taste test them. You definitely have repaid your "debt." Now I know who to call when Sarah wants hundreds of gourmet cupcakes :)
Since French silk frosting is my favorite, I fear I would have been right there with George, but in private... there ARE pluses to being 53 and totally potty trained, ya know.
They are very impressive! What type of frosting did you use for the monograms? Just curious... not planning ANY competition here ;-Þ
The sight of all those boxes is pretty much overwhelming, good thing you had "assistants"...
I just always wish I could communicate telepathically in picture form when working on such a joint venture. To be honest, I wish for the above every time I do ANY project with your little brother but THAT is a different story! ("And THIS is what a clean room actually will look like", etc)
Congratulations! xoxoxox
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