Thursday, July 26, 2007

Everybody else is doing it

Well I know lots of people with blogs and I know lots of people who like to hear about my kids so I decided to join the millions of people who share the utterly humiliating stories about their kids growing up. As most people reading this know I love to ramble and now I can and you only have to read it if you want to! I wasn't very good at a journal but I use my computer everyday so maybe I can be better at this....we'll see.


Hillary said...

YIPPEE!! I am so glad you have started a blog! Welcome to the blogging world. I definitely am better at this than I am at journaling. But I've found that I can print out my blogs and keep a journal for our little family this way.

Susan said...

Glad you are writing. Then I will be able to keep up with all the things in your life much easier. At least soon we will be closer.

Abuela said...

Congrats and welcome to Blogtopia :)