My Dad has given a generous donation the last several years to me for the girls Christmas and I've used it on Disney on Ice tickets. They love this tradition and look forward to it every year. This year the postcard came for the presale tickets available to returning customers the week he came to visit us. The girls have been dying for years to see the show up close and personal and poor Abuelo was no match for the big brown/hazel eyes and took the flyer home with him and promised to do his best to get them their front row seats. While we were in Idaho they were each given a card with a sweet personal message and ... their FRONT ROW SEAT ticket!!! Yesterday was the big day and the seats and the show did not disappoint. Unfortunately my phone was the only camera I remembered to bring - drat!
The theme for this year was Celebrations and there was an unbirthday with Alice and the Mad Hatter.

Mickey got the bright idea to clean up and we were treated to a rendition of the Sorcerer's apprentice

There was Halloween with non other than Jack Skellington and a cast of Villains!
All the princesses came out to share their Valentines day stories

We welcomed spring in Japan

And had summer vacation in Hawaii with Lilo, Nani and David. David is a fire dancer and he even lit the ice on fire!!

Last there was Christmas with the gang from Toy Story and it even snowed!! We even got the snow on us!!

The girls LOVED it and can hardly stop talking about it, with full on exclamation points. I asked Fred if she would be too old to go next year and she assured me she wouldn't be!

Thanks again Abuelo and Abuelita you're the best!!
So fun! Disney on Ice is always fantastic. Oh, and I can't believe that you did that to the title of this post. Color me DiSaPpoInTeD!
wv:comabike. Seriously!
Cool! Why is Jack hanging out with villains? He is a good guy!
Amazing!!! Love the pictures. What did they each get with their "at the show" money? I see a wand in George's hand, and mouse ears on JR.
What a great gift Abuelo! They will Never forget this experience ;-}
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