Thursday, December 9, 2010

Report Cards!!

Report cards came out yesterday and all three girls got straight A's. I made the horrible mistake of  commenting in passing that Fred did the "best" (her overall percentage was highest) and Jr. threw a fit. I then spent the rest of the night making up for that mistake by saying over and over they all did really well and I was happy with all of their grades. 

What did their teachers have to say? They had this to say -

Fred is a pleasure to have in class. Her grades represent her hard work and dedication to her education. She is achieving academic excellence in all subject areas. In math, she has mastered her multiplication facts and has a fantastic foundation of the curriculum. Her writing is developing wonderfully and we will continue to focus on preparing for the writing proficiency test in January. I love reading Fred's four square vocabulary and spelling stories they are always entertaining. In reading, Fred models excellent fluency skills and her comprehension is above grade level. She reads with great expression, the actor in her is trying to come out!! Thank you for your continued support. Mrs. Buffalo
Jr. is a very active learner. She is very eager to participate in class and add knowledge to our classroom. I am so proud of her consistent efforts to do her very best in every subject area. 

Jr. exhibits excellent comprehension. She is adept at aquiring menaing from text. I encourage her to read aloud as much as possible to improve her flow, fluency, and expression when reading.

Jr. has excellent organization, spelling, neatness, and clarity in her writing. I encourage her to challenge herself further by adding more vivid verbs, adjectives, and figurative language in her writing.

Jr. shows great understanding of new math concepts taught in class. She picks up new concepts quickly and can figure out difficult mathematical problems. Jr. could benefit from checking her work for accuracy. Continue practicing the basic multiplication facts for instant recognition. Jr. has passed most of her multiplication facts and will soon be working on division facts.

Jr. is a great leader. She is kind, well-behaved, and hard working. I appreciate her efforts to acheive at her best.
George is a pleasure to have in class. She is making steady progress in all academic areas. Her reading skills are improving as her sight word vocabulary increases and she develops more confidence. Please encourage her to read smoothly and with expression when she reads orally. Her writing skills continue to improve as she is learning to add more details. I love reading her stories and looking at her illustrations. We have learned to stretch sounds out as we write, but as her sight word vocabulary grows encourage her to spell those words correctly in her writing. George is making fine progress in math as well. We have been working hard to learn a variety of strategies to help us with addition and subtraction facts. Ask her what strategies she knows and encourage her to use them. George takes great pride in her work and is an example to her classmates. She has matured socially since the beginning of the year and her behavior is excellent. Keep working hard, George!
So basically my kids remain the same, Fred is a smarty pants know it all, Jr is brilliantly analytical and factual, and George has stopped having class (I've been notified by the PE aid she still has them in PE). I also like that the teachers left comments about places that they can make improvement. Sometimes I feel like the teacher thinks "Hey, your kid is getting an A why make them try harder?" They are happy, well rounded little people and it will be great fun to watch them continue to grow, except Fred, she's not allowed to grow up anymore, I'm not sure if I can handle that.


Safire said...

Sounds like they are doing great! Juice says Fred is not allowed to grow up any more either.

Karen Valinda said...

I do think it is great that the teachers include specifics. Good for reinforcement and good for future goals.
Fred can't help knowing it all and she will continue to get smarter so be ready!
JR is clever - being thorough makes one seem less "smarty pants"...
George is doing awesomely for someone who never really had to apply so much energy to pleasing others (teachers, PE aides) and she is SO radiantly beautiful as she does.
Great job Ddonn! Awesome genetics Peter! I would love to claim the math aptitude as my contribution but reality bites my backside when I try, Peter does the sudoku problems I can't